Thursday, August 26, 2010

Response to Constance

I choose to write about Constance's blog.

You ask me why people bully others. I'll tell you: it's because it makes them feel better about themselves. 
Bullying is a vicious cycle. Many bullies were once bullied themselves.And the only way to escape the cycle is to refuse to let yourself be affected. Very few people can manage that. But eventually, perhaps, enough of them will change things for the better.
I agree with Constance, on just about everything she says, she makes a great point. People these days of all age groups bully other people, it natural, but not right. What gives you the right to make other people fell bad and make you superior to them. Constance's blog post basically is what happens when the Constitution is not followed properly. People will start to bend the rules and make something that is bullying seen like its not. The most important rule on the ASTI Constitution  is Respect People For Who They Are. Yea, I guess there are people that you might think are weird and scary, but bullying them isn't the right way to treat those people. Sometimes people don't realize that they are bullying someone and maybe was just a joking around. This might make the person feel good, but the person that they were joking around with might take it badly. The person you just joked around with might have been really hurt by you and you might have not realized it. This is why people should always think before they say something. It might take some "practice" but it will really benefit you and maybe keep you out of trouble. This is the problem with bulling, and Constance makes a great point "bullying is a cycle". It is true most people that have been bullied want to fell better about themselves, so they bully another person, and then the other person bullies another and then on, and on, and on. Its contagious, and can lead into some really bad habits. One way to stop this disease, is to stand up for yourself and others, or "just be yourself ". Standing up for yourself takes lots of courage and can be really hard sometimes, but if you really want to break the cycle of bullying, its worth it. Sometimes your friends might be getting bullied too, but if you help your friend, the bully might not want to mess with you anymore. Its strength in numbers. Being yourself is always a choice. If a bully messes with you because your different, you could always just be yourself and ignore them. Eventually they will get bored and just ignore you. I think Constance did a fabulous job in writing about her own experiences of bullying, and how to stop the cycle from going on. 


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