Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Memories in Tony's Head

Table of Contents
-The Funny Flood
-Blue Fire, Red Fire, Green Fire
-I Need a Doctor
-The Man in White

Everyone in my family has a different sense of humor. My dad’s idea of a joke is similar to the different colors of the rainbow, it can range from very light and funny to really funny and a crying little brother. My sense of humor is similar to my dad’s except a little worse. The jokes I play are more harsh. My brother has not yet developed a sense of humor because he is still little, but words like poop and making armpit farts are funny to him. He is a monkey. He thinks that scaring people is funny. He will try to scare someone by hiding and then jumping out. If he succeeds he will drop to the ground and roll around laughing.
My mom’s sense of humor on the other hand is very subtle. It is sometimes hard to tell when she thinks something is funny. It’s like a mystery waiting to be solved. She smiles a lot, but I only hear her laugh when she watches TV or when she is talking on the phone. She watches some Chinese shows so when she laughs at the jokes, I don’t always understand what is funny. My mom’s sense of humor is unique and is only triggered at very specific times.
The Funny Flood
The water was rushing. I could hear it outside. My dad opened the door and ran to pick me up. “NO! PIGGYBACK RIDE” I yelled. I think it was the afternoon, I was about two or three years old, and my family and I were still in China. There was a flood and my family had to leave our house. The houses in China look like giant giant office buildings and usually have two houses per floor. We lived on the fourth floor. The water was rising. “ Did someone forget to turn off the water?” My dad jumped into the water with me on his back. My mom followed.  The water was cold. I started to laugh. “Yay, lots of water! Hey Mom can I go swimming?” My mom started to laugh, “ Are you crazy?” There were other people around. They were also leaving the building. The distance between our building and higher ground was about 24 feet. My dad began to swim harder. About five minutes later we were out of the water. I never really got to swim.
Blue Fire, Red Fire, Green Fire
Fire is very fun to play with. It helps pass the time. I know how to make fire, blue fire, red fire, and green fire. I have played with fire since I was little. It started with candles and melting wax to make animals,  then I used alcohol and a little Boric Acid to make green fire. I’ve burned myself many times too. One time I burned a piece of skin about a big as a penny off one of my fingers. I’ve also launched fireworks before, not the small ones, the big ones you see on the Fourth of July. When I stood under it, I felt my body pulse and my adrenaline rush. It was one of the most energetic experiences I’ve had in my life. I also make fireball. I hold the fireballs in my hand and play catch with myself. They help warm my hand when it is cold. Fire is relaxing to play with, is my invisible friend.
I Need a Doctor
He was coming at me fast, grasping the football like it was a newborn baby, cradling it carefully putting his body in front of the ball. I grabbed onto his waist and spun him around. He didn’t fall. I tried again, but this time I used all my strength to pull him down with me. He fell on top of my right thigh. I could feel his hip digging into my unflexed thigh. I heard a loud snap, and a second later, I felt like I was just shot with a gun. “FU**” I screamed. The pain was unbearable it felt as if someone was taking a nail and hammering it into my femur. My leg was throbbing and that wasn’t the worst part. The ambulance arrived. They told me that they were going to extend my leg so that it was straight. I thought “Aww fu** are you serious?” That was when I started to scream. They put my leg into a splint and carried me into the ambulance. My parents arrived a while later and followed the ambulance. Well that was fun.
I arrived at Children’s Hospital in Oakland about twenty minutes later. I felt as if my leg grew another pair of legs and decided to take a stroll. I could only feel pain, only pain. I couldn’t feel my leg. After I got into the hospital they took an x-ray. I waited about five minutes and they told my parents and me that they had good news and bad news. The good news, I had fractured my femur in three places. I thought  “WHAT! Are you serious” The doctor then told us that the bad news was that they had to put a titanium rod into the middle of my femur where the bone marrow would be and stabilize it with two pins. One right behind my knee cap, and one under my hip. Now, I was scared. I began to shake and soon started to cry. Lot of my friend were there comforting me and telling me that it would be OK. I think it was a day, but all I remember was that a nurse injected something into me and then I woke up sometime later. My leg hurt and noticed that I had about 30-40 stitches on my thigh and next to my knee. Breaking your femur is not fun. Life long lesson, don’t try to tackle someone that is twice as big as you and is fat.
The Man in White
I don’t know who he is. I don’t even know what he is. I’ve seen him multiple times. The first time was when I was going to Lake Tahoe. We were driving down one of the main roads when I saw a man about 6 feet tall wearing a full white suit with a white fedora and black shades. I thought it was just the snow playing tricks on my eyes, but about 3-4 years later I saw the same man. He was on top of the mountains near Costco. He stepped out from the clutter of trees, stood there for a couple of seconds, then disappeared back into the trees. I don’t know if I was just hallucinating, but I’m sure that I saw him. I also remember that his face was all white. I might have been a scarf, but every time I see him, I feel like I know somehow. I’m determined to find him someday in the future.

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