Monday, November 1, 2010

Response to Kite Runner(First Impressions)

      My first impressions of Kite Runner was that it was disturbing, yet intriguing. There are also lots of twists and turns that I didn't expect to happen. I was so immersed into the story. I felt  like I was right there along side Hassan and Amir just watching everything happen.
      When Hassan got raped I was very surprised. In the part when Amir describes that scene, I didn't think he was being raped until he said it later on in the book. I thought Assef was punching Hassan in the privates with his brass knuckles. I never would have expected Assef to rape him. I don't understand how these eight year olds know about raping other little boys. They must have really bad parents or experiences themselves. I really think Assef is really a Sociopath and need extensive care in a Asylum. This is probably a  factor that led to him raping Hassan.
      Another part of the book that was really interesting to me was the personality of Amir. He is a total coward, a-hole, and so many other words that I want to say. How could anyone with a heart stand in an alleyway and watch your best friends/brother be brutally beat up and then raped. I also don't understand how he is so different from his dad. I would think that he would inherit at least some of his dad's traits, but it seems like Amir is not even Baba's son. I can't believe Amir would would run away when Hassan was being harassed in that alleyway. If  that was me, I would have charged in there and make those three boys beg for me to kill them. When Amir threw pomegranates at Hassan I couldn't believe that Hassan didn't lay a single hand on Amir. Somebody with that much loyalty is very hard to find. I think only 0.000000001 out of the 6.5billion people on earth has that amount of loyalty. I think Amir should go and kill himself for being such a coward. I think that a recovery  from what Hassan experienced will take a long time.
      Overall, I think the story is great so far. I also think that there is a lot of controversy behind it.

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