Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Q’s defining characteristc is that he constantly wants other people to try new things, but he wont try new things himself. He also goes back and forth between prideful arrogance and shameful embarrassment. 
    “We had made various attempts to get him up on land with us”

Q is always trying trying to make his uncle come up on land with him, but when his uncle tries to convince q to go back to the water, he doesn’t want to. Its basically the same thing for uncle N’ba N’ga he won’t go onto land and leave water because he loves it there and its his home. Hes been living there for for all of his life, why in the world would he leave his some to go to a place that was alien to him. Q also says that uncle N’ba N’ga is afraid of change, but everything that Q says about his uncle contradicts what he wants him to do. He wants his uncle to go onto land and live with the rest of the family, but Uncle N'be N'ga wants Q to come live with him. Its a contradiction.
“For millennia I had been used to striking terror all around me, and to felling terror of the others’ reactions to the terror I aroused. None of that now. “Hey You!” They came over to me casually, neither hostile or frightened.”
A million years ago Q was a terrifying Dinosaur. He scared other dinosaurs and probally was a big mean bully. I think that Q might have been a Brachiosauraus, one of those long necked dinosaurs that eat leaves on trees. They were about as big as twenty elephants. Now, Q is scared of the other animals that live there. He is very timid and thinks that they know he is a dinosaur and want to kill him. He is not used to the fact that now, animals just go up to him and say “Hey You”, like hes any other animal. The Animals there now are not scared of him. They think of him as any other animal that roamed the environment at that time. They acted normal around dino Q even though he is a huge Dinosaur.
“And what do you think you’ll do, all alone with an old fish; marry him, be a fish again with him. And bring still more fish into the world. Good-by
Q doesn’t get the point that Lll really likes his uncle and wants to hang out and get to know him. Q constantly feels that Lll really likes being a land animal, but he doesn’t understand what she wants. Lll desperately want to learn how to swim and be with his uncle. Q is also very angry with his uncle. He can’t understand why a land creature would want to go back to the old ways of swimming and living under water. I think these make Q a very special character in all the stories.

Response to Ebone Qualls Post

Ebone told me to write about her blog, so yea, im guunna write about it.
When we got to Hilltop Mall, we went to Macy's and I got a green shirt with rhinestones on it and a white,pink,and orange Rocawear shirt with gold rhinestones on it. Then we walked through the mall and we went into this store called 5-7-9. Out of there, I got these low-cut, stiletto leather boots I've been wanting for a while.
      I think girls go shopping too much. Whenever im with Ebone and her friends. All she talks about is Trey Songz, Ben J, and clothes. First of all Trey Songz is not your husband. Hes old enough to be your dad Ebone. Im not trying to be mean, but everytime im with her. It's OMG TREY SONGZ OMG THAS MY HUSBAND, TREY SONGZ TREY SONGZ, TREY SONGZ IS SO SEXY, TREY SONGZ !!!!!!! OMG CLOTHES. Hey Ben j is cute too.
      Do girls buy a whole bunch of clothes so they can impress Trey Songz I mean yea I do that, I totally go to the mall trying on clothes and thinking if Trey Songz thinks my outfit is "cute". As I am writing this blog post, Ebone is looking at pictures of Trey Songz right next to me. She is talking about how nice Trey Songz's body is or something like that. She is asking me if I want to see his body. NO Ebone I don't want to see shirtless guys. I have evidence that Trey Songz is too old for Ebone. Trey Songz is 25, Ebone is 14. Thats like a 11 years difference. I predict that Ebone is talking about Trey Songz right now, and still will be when I'm done writing this. Ughhh
      Although Ebone will not achieve the name Ms.Songz, her effort is adequate. I hope the Songz administration read this post and agree with me. Even though I respect Ebone and Trey Songz I don't really see the chemistry there.I mean Trey Songz is a rich singer and is known by everyone, Ebone is a highschooler. Ok there are like 1000 rich singers in America and there are like what 12093300 highschool girls in the world. The chances of Trey Songz falling in love with one of those girls are 1 to 12093300 or very slim. Ebone im not trying to destory your dreams of marrying Trey Songz but yea you wanted me to respond to your blog post. Love u Ebone

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Response to Rockstar's post

   This is a quote from Rokhsor Yusufi's Blog. 

I hate thieves and people who are always in my business. When somebody leaves something around, it means, they lost or forgot it. For starters, no one has a right in hell to go through it or to examine it or whatever else people do. It should be put somewhere out of reach until someone claims it. However, stealing is a way worse situation. Why do people steal and try to hide behind lies? I have recently gone through a stealing incident and it literally put out my blood on fire. I felt myself heat up as if I was on a burning skillet.
      I totally agree with Rokhsor, stealing and lying about who stole whatever it was, is one of the worst things someone could do to you. Stealing is one of the three things I absolutely hate the most. One reason is because the object the the person stole might have sentimental value to you. It could be worth two dollars to someone else, while it's worth a million to you. Another reason is when you don't know someone stole something from you. It wastes a bunch of time because you would think that you'd misplaced it. You would probally spend countless hours searching for something that was stolen.
      Stealing is one of the worst things you could do to someone. I hate people who steal, and I would beat the crap out of the person if I had ever found out who it was. I sometimes will take things from people and ask them where their pen was or something, but I would give it back right away. I only do this to some of my friends just to play around, but if people are stealing for their own benefit, then that is something they should get their ass beat for. Mind your own business, and don't steal, cause I'm going  hunt you down and throw you in a garbage.
       Some people steal because they want to be cool. Stealing is an issue that lots of people face. Some people steal because of financial reasons, some steal to be cool. No matter the reason, stealing is not right and there will be consequences. Its called Karma, it will come back to you in the future. If you really want to steal, go get a job with the federal some thing investigators (FBI) they steal your info, money, and all sorts of other stuff without you knowing. Other than that you shouldn't steal. Ok? :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Emotions: Anger

      There are ways to know how someone is feeling by paying close attention to their facial expressions and body gestures. I will start with anger. Anger is very dangerous thing and in my opinion is the most destructive out of all the emotions. In my perspective, anger can be triggered in lots of ways and is different for everyone. Personally the things that will anger me the most are lying, stealing, and bullying people that never bother you. If someone  lies to me, steals from me,bullies one of my friends, or someone that is just minding their own buisness, then I WILL BE SUPER PISSED OFF. I will get very very very angry and beat the crap out of the person. The key elements of anger are kind of like a fire, it has to be triggered, needs a fuel source, and oxygen to feed the anger. When someone is angry they have a  widespread amount of adrenalin and it very dangerous when you are around them. An example of slight anger is when  Rokhsor Yufusi went up to debate. In this debate she had the slightest bit of anger. She basically was happy the whole time, and was only angry about 2-3 times and it was only slight anger. Imagine how angry she would be at full blast! Don't worry rockstar im not making fun of you in any way. It helps to know the person , so you will be better at telling weather the person is angry or not.
      There are three basic components to anger on a person's face. The eyelids, eyebrows, and a persons mouth. Everything that I'm saying here is by Paul Ekman, he developed the science of reading facial expressions and published it in the book Emotions Revealed  When someone has "slight anger, the lower and upper eyelids are tightened." This is a variable and depends on the situation, the person might be squinting or concentrating on something. This is why knowing the situation the person is in,can be very helpful "When the eyebrows are slightly lowered and drawn together, with the lower eyelids slightly tensed, it means the person is slightly angered.""If the upper eyelids are raised, its a glare","When that glare is combined with the lowered eyebrows and tensed lower eyelids, then thats a clear sign of anger". Thats when you know you've pissed someone off. "When someone is angry, their jaw is often thrust forward", "another sign of anger is when the persons lips are pressed together tightly with a slight tensing of the lower eyelids, it could be slight anger that is just beginning.""Narrowing of the lips is a very reliable sign of anger." Some of the quotes here might be confusing but these pictures should help.

In this picture President Obama is angry. Notice how his eyebrows are lowered and brought in together making a reflection of the letter C. His eyelids are tensed, therefore making him look like he is squinting. His lips are pressed together creating those two curves that look like parenthesis ( ). As you can see he is very pissed off at something. This is what true anger looks like. Hope that clears everything up.


    Emotions appear in everyday life, they can change the way people act and react to things. There are lots of emotions, but the main ones are happiness, sadness, anger, being scared, and being surprised. There are ways people can tell what other people are feeling by paying close attention to their facial expressions. There are three types of facial expressions a "slight expression", "partial expression", and a "micro expression" (Emotions revealed pg 261) Most of what I know is from the book Emotions Revealed by Paul Ekman. Theres a chart on pg261 in the link that basically defines the quoted words above.
   Trying to read peoples faces is really challenging and can give you headaches. I've tried to look at someones face and see what they are feeling (happy,sad, etc) but it doesn't just work like that. Mr.Fargher is one of those teachers that are fairly easy to interpret or read, whatever you call it. In the beginning of the school year he was very happy and filled with lots of energy. Now he has lots of sadness, surprise, and anger all over his face. I think it might be related to the fact that he has to do a whole bunch of tests and stuff for multiple scrosis. Sutherland is very relaxed and his overall stress is very low. There was that day when he first switched periods with corbally and he was just soo stressed out and I think was surprised a little. Mr.Sousa is always calm and happy. Ms.Corbally is usually calm and happy with a side order anger. Mr.Higashi has recently been a little sad but is usually calm and happy. Umm I think thats all, not everything I say is absolutely true cause I basically kinda suck at looking at people and just knowing what they feel. How is this not more than 350 words ughhh
    Another important thing about reading people, is the situation. No, not Jersery Shore the situation the people are in. If you see someone that is showing sadness in their face, and they just won a million dollars, then either 1.your not very good at reading emotions 2.The person that won the million dollars might express excitement in a different way. People can release emotions in many different ways, so knowing the situation the person is in can greatly help with knowing what the person is feeling. Sometimes people will have a conflict and when that happens, anger is usually written all over their faces. I really want to terminate the adding of the academic vocabulary.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Academic Word List


Wednesday, September 15, 2010


If I post 5-6 blog posts in one week, will the rest of the posts count for the next week. Im going to write about emotions, it going to be pretty long so should i do it in sections?

Response to Fermin's Rock Music

There are sometimes when I’m hearing rock music, I feel so passionate that I visualize my self playing with the bands that I listen to. I just listen to some rock to calm me down.  -Fermin Carrea
   Fermin absolutely loves rock music, its his favorite thing to listen to. I also love rock music. It's the second most favorite genre of mine, right behind R&B. I also listen to a whole bunch of rock. Bands like Muse and Linkin Park are my favorite. I totally understand what Fermin is saying when he visualizes himself playing or singing with the band. I do that all the time. I will get so into the music that I start singing along as if I were there or playing along with the band.
   Its important to feel passionate about something you love to do. If you don't have passion toward something you love, then why love it in the first place? Hey maybe someday Fermin will be so passionate about rock that her will start a band of his own. When your passionate about something, you visualize it happening. Its like my passion toward berries. I'm so passionate toward them that i will think about them all the time, and have drool on my shirt because im dreaming im eating them.
    Sometimes when people are having hard times, they put on some music that they love. Like Fermin i also do this. When i am stressed out I go to my room, lay down, and just listen to a whole bunch of music that i like until i feel better. Its a great way to not get in trouble. instead of punching a hole in your wall you could listen to some of your favorite music.
   Music is very special, it comes in many forms and is listened all throughout the world. People everywhere in the world listen to different types of music. Music keeps the world together. Music has a great impact on people. It can make a person very mad, sad , angry, happy. It can trigger just about every emotion that a human can experience. In Fermine's case it helps him calm down and causes him to be passionate about something. Rock is Fermin's best friend, it will always be there to help him through hard times, and he will always love it.

Monday, September 13, 2010

I like raspberries

     I think that raspberries are one of the best fruits on earth. I like raspberries because of the luscious, indescribable taste. I hardly ever get to eat it too, so that may be another reason I like it so much. I LOVE ALL BERRIES, but I think I've had too many boxes of blueberries, strawberries, and too many blackberries from wild bushes. Raspberries on the other hand, I only get when my mom gives me money for the farmers market. I sprint around looking at all the stands and see which farmer sells the biggest most tasty looking raspberries that are a decent price. Oh wait.... did I forget to mention that I love raspberries? Its just something about those tangy red berries.
    Raspberries also have the coolest pattern in their body. The body of the raspberry is made up of 34-48 tiny individual balls that are stuck together. You can pick off each individual raspberry and eat it like that if you want. Raspberries have giant holes on the bottom so you can stick them on top of your finger and then eat them off your fingers. Another way to eat them is covering the raspberry in whipped cream. This will give them a sweeter taste. Raspberries can be eaten in many different ways, but its up to you which way.
    Another reason why I absolutely love raspberries is because they are the best dessert or breakfast. If you are eating plain old boring ice cream, and is wondering what you could put in to make it better, then go to the nearest grocery store and purchase a 8ounce raspberry case. Raspberries go with just about anything, if your making cheesecake you could put a raspberry on it as an accent to make it look better, or just to make it taste better. If you are eating cereal in the morning and want it to be more awesome, then put a couple of raspberries in there and you will taste the awesomeness of the raspberry on you tongue. Your taste buds will go crazy. Mmm raspberries so yummy. Another reason raspberries are the best is because I say so, therefore I am right and everybody should listen to me. I think I've given my statement and proven my point so there, raspberries are the best and I LOVE RASPBERRIES!!!

Social Networking Rebuttal

       Ebone Qualls and Constance 's rebuttal was mainly about how people with autism and ADHD are endangering themselves by using social networking and also about how teens don't know that people are viewing their profile. She also states that people can't have face to face conversations. In real life millions of people use social networking. It keeps everyone connected. Through kaisers website http://mydoctor.kaiserpermanente.org/ncal/youngadulthealth/get_care/connectwithyourdoctor.jsp patients can talk to doctors, or if they have an account patients can change appointments, read all the messages the doctors send to each other, and also face to face chat with the doctor. This video shows how people can use Kaisers resources to stay connected. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgHqynDiK70 I found this on www.youtube.com which is also a social networking site.
       Thousands of people use youtube to share information, to entertain, and help people with their problems. Not every social networking website is bad. All Ebone focuses on are Facebook and Myspace. Those are only 2 out of a couple hundred social networking sites. She also asks how people could be helped recover through stroke using social networking. Well sites like blogger and youtube provide help through people who've experienced it, they give advice and exercises they could do, or people could go on youtube and look that up too. There are thousands of videos.
        Ebone and Constance say that there are internet predators. well.. yea there are, there is not one place on the earth where there is no danger. If most people that use social networking know that there are sexual predators, but they are willing to take the risk because they want to use something that is very fun and can save lots of time. Its there choice weather or not they want to add people they don't know.
       They also say that people can't talk face to face. well sites like facebook and aim allow for people to video chat with their friends and family or talk to them (voice chat). Some Social networking sites might be bad, but they are only looking at a small group, but not the whole thing.