Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Emotions: Anger

      There are ways to know how someone is feeling by paying close attention to their facial expressions and body gestures. I will start with anger. Anger is very dangerous thing and in my opinion is the most destructive out of all the emotions. In my perspective, anger can be triggered in lots of ways and is different for everyone. Personally the things that will anger me the most are lying, stealing, and bullying people that never bother you. If someone  lies to me, steals from me,bullies one of my friends, or someone that is just minding their own buisness, then I WILL BE SUPER PISSED OFF. I will get very very very angry and beat the crap out of the person. The key elements of anger are kind of like a fire, it has to be triggered, needs a fuel source, and oxygen to feed the anger. When someone is angry they have a  widespread amount of adrenalin and it very dangerous when you are around them. An example of slight anger is when  Rokhsor Yufusi went up to debate. In this debate she had the slightest bit of anger. She basically was happy the whole time, and was only angry about 2-3 times and it was only slight anger. Imagine how angry she would be at full blast! Don't worry rockstar im not making fun of you in any way. It helps to know the person , so you will be better at telling weather the person is angry or not.
      There are three basic components to anger on a person's face. The eyelids, eyebrows, and a persons mouth. Everything that I'm saying here is by Paul Ekman, he developed the science of reading facial expressions and published it in the book Emotions Revealed  When someone has "slight anger, the lower and upper eyelids are tightened." This is a variable and depends on the situation, the person might be squinting or concentrating on something. This is why knowing the situation the person is in,can be very helpful "When the eyebrows are slightly lowered and drawn together, with the lower eyelids slightly tensed, it means the person is slightly angered.""If the upper eyelids are raised, its a glare","When that glare is combined with the lowered eyebrows and tensed lower eyelids, then thats a clear sign of anger". Thats when you know you've pissed someone off. "When someone is angry, their jaw is often thrust forward", "another sign of anger is when the persons lips are pressed together tightly with a slight tensing of the lower eyelids, it could be slight anger that is just beginning.""Narrowing of the lips is a very reliable sign of anger." Some of the quotes here might be confusing but these pictures should help.

In this picture President Obama is angry. Notice how his eyebrows are lowered and brought in together making a reflection of the letter C. His eyelids are tensed, therefore making him look like he is squinting. His lips are pressed together creating those two curves that look like parenthesis ( ). As you can see he is very pissed off at something. This is what true anger looks like. Hope that clears everything up.


  1. I'm lovin' both these posts, but I have to admit that the last paragraph of this one started getting all funny with piled-on quotes at the end. You've made it clear where your material comes from, but you have not made the material clear.

    I was recently writing about anger, myself...And I, too, had Rokhsor in mind. Heh, heh.

  2. I kind of fixed it. i added a picture to try to clear things up.

  3. i responded to this post
