Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Q’s defining characteristc is that he constantly wants other people to try new things, but he wont try new things himself. He also goes back and forth between prideful arrogance and shameful embarrassment. 
    “We had made various attempts to get him up on land with us”

Q is always trying trying to make his uncle come up on land with him, but when his uncle tries to convince q to go back to the water, he doesn’t want to. Its basically the same thing for uncle N’ba N’ga he won’t go onto land and leave water because he loves it there and its his home. Hes been living there for for all of his life, why in the world would he leave his some to go to a place that was alien to him. Q also says that uncle N’ba N’ga is afraid of change, but everything that Q says about his uncle contradicts what he wants him to do. He wants his uncle to go onto land and live with the rest of the family, but Uncle N'be N'ga wants Q to come live with him. Its a contradiction.
“For millennia I had been used to striking terror all around me, and to felling terror of the others’ reactions to the terror I aroused. None of that now. “Hey You!” They came over to me casually, neither hostile or frightened.”
A million years ago Q was a terrifying Dinosaur. He scared other dinosaurs and probally was a big mean bully. I think that Q might have been a Brachiosauraus, one of those long necked dinosaurs that eat leaves on trees. They were about as big as twenty elephants. Now, Q is scared of the other animals that live there. He is very timid and thinks that they know he is a dinosaur and want to kill him. He is not used to the fact that now, animals just go up to him and say “Hey You”, like hes any other animal. The Animals there now are not scared of him. They think of him as any other animal that roamed the environment at that time. They acted normal around dino Q even though he is a huge Dinosaur.
“And what do you think you’ll do, all alone with an old fish; marry him, be a fish again with him. And bring still more fish into the world. Good-by
Q doesn’t get the point that Lll really likes his uncle and wants to hang out and get to know him. Q constantly feels that Lll really likes being a land animal, but he doesn’t understand what she wants. Lll desperately want to learn how to swim and be with his uncle. Q is also very angry with his uncle. He can’t understand why a land creature would want to go back to the old ways of swimming and living under water. I think these make Q a very special character in all the stories.

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