Wednesday, September 15, 2010


If I post 5-6 blog posts in one week, will the rest of the posts count for the next week. Im going to write about emotions, it going to be pretty long so should i do it in sections?

1 comment:

  1. Nope, posts only count for the week they're published and I don't do extra credit. If you post two thousand posts one week and zero the next, you'd get an A, then an F, which would average to a C.

    You can of course write as much as you want, and if you get subsequent week's posts done ahead of time that's good because we can work on revising them before you publish. It's also a great idea to develop a "stockpile" of works in progress so that, from week to week, you will always have stuff started that you can already work on.

    Write about emotions by all means, and write tons. Just break it down into chunks and work on each chunk carefully.
