Monday, September 13, 2010

I like raspberries

     I think that raspberries are one of the best fruits on earth. I like raspberries because of the luscious, indescribable taste. I hardly ever get to eat it too, so that may be another reason I like it so much. I LOVE ALL BERRIES, but I think I've had too many boxes of blueberries, strawberries, and too many blackberries from wild bushes. Raspberries on the other hand, I only get when my mom gives me money for the farmers market. I sprint around looking at all the stands and see which farmer sells the biggest most tasty looking raspberries that are a decent price. Oh wait.... did I forget to mention that I love raspberries? Its just something about those tangy red berries.
    Raspberries also have the coolest pattern in their body. The body of the raspberry is made up of 34-48 tiny individual balls that are stuck together. You can pick off each individual raspberry and eat it like that if you want. Raspberries have giant holes on the bottom so you can stick them on top of your finger and then eat them off your fingers. Another way to eat them is covering the raspberry in whipped cream. This will give them a sweeter taste. Raspberries can be eaten in many different ways, but its up to you which way.
    Another reason why I absolutely love raspberries is because they are the best dessert or breakfast. If you are eating plain old boring ice cream, and is wondering what you could put in to make it better, then go to the nearest grocery store and purchase a 8ounce raspberry case. Raspberries go with just about anything, if your making cheesecake you could put a raspberry on it as an accent to make it look better, or just to make it taste better. If you are eating cereal in the morning and want it to be more awesome, then put a couple of raspberries in there and you will taste the awesomeness of the raspberry on you tongue. Your taste buds will go crazy. Mmm raspberries so yummy. Another reason raspberries are the best is because I say so, therefore I am right and everybody should listen to me. I think I've given my statement and proven my point so there, raspberries are the best and I LOVE RASPBERRIES!!!

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