Monday, September 13, 2010

Social Networking Rebuttal

       Ebone Qualls and Constance 's rebuttal was mainly about how people with autism and ADHD are endangering themselves by using social networking and also about how teens don't know that people are viewing their profile. She also states that people can't have face to face conversations. In real life millions of people use social networking. It keeps everyone connected. Through kaisers website patients can talk to doctors, or if they have an account patients can change appointments, read all the messages the doctors send to each other, and also face to face chat with the doctor. This video shows how people can use Kaisers resources to stay connected. I found this on which is also a social networking site.
       Thousands of people use youtube to share information, to entertain, and help people with their problems. Not every social networking website is bad. All Ebone focuses on are Facebook and Myspace. Those are only 2 out of a couple hundred social networking sites. She also asks how people could be helped recover through stroke using social networking. Well sites like blogger and youtube provide help through people who've experienced it, they give advice and exercises they could do, or people could go on youtube and look that up too. There are thousands of videos.
        Ebone and Constance say that there are internet predators. well.. yea there are, there is not one place on the earth where there is no danger. If most people that use social networking know that there are sexual predators, but they are willing to take the risk because they want to use something that is very fun and can save lots of time. Its there choice weather or not they want to add people they don't know.
       They also say that people can't talk face to face. well sites like facebook and aim allow for people to video chat with their friends and family or talk to them (voice chat). Some Social networking sites might be bad, but they are only looking at a small group, but not the whole thing.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I responded here:
